Countdown to Coachella

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Interview went well! My interviewers were easy to talk to--which was a plus--but didn't ask me too many of the 'hard' questions that I had slaved over hours preparing for. Trying to line up interviews with UBS for next week, but we'll see if it works out or not. I think they have already cemented the schedule. Regardless, it feels good to be done with this week.

A quick change of pace--I totally hit a birdie in golf. After reluctantly paying $6 (安かったけど。。。)I actually enjoyed playing 9 holes of golf in sandals. There was one hole that I actually birdied on my first real game of golf. Maybe I should pick up golf?

In Recent News:

WalMart is going planning on rolling out their generic drug plan. The giant discount chain, which has used its size to knock down the costs of all things available to purchase, will sell 300 generic drugs for as low as $4 for a one-month supply. What a steal of a deal, no? CVS, and Walgreens stock took a plummet down 5.2% and 1.7% respectively.

Apparently the test-launch in the Everglades has worked so well, they are beefing up their release schedule to have a full roll-out by the end of the year. At first it seemed to me as if WalMart was going to add some competition to the drugmarkets. I was kinda' right in my assumption.

It looks like the list of prescriptions that has been added to the $4 bargain bin, is actually many prescriptions that are already quite inexpensive. Joseph Agnese, an analyst at Standard & Poors put it right when he said, "It is not as significant as it first seems, in our opinion." From what I could gather (without a MD mind you . . .) it is going to be a limited set of drugs. So, the question then becomes, "Publicity stunt or no?"


Sasha vs Mike Koglin - Enjoy The Gravy (James Zabiela Mashup Mix)
Great mashup from Zab's, pretty old, but there are always those that haven't heard it. This mix is actually a rip off of one of his sets, so you can hear the crowd noise (it always pumps me up at least). The sound quality is not as good as the 'unofficial release' that was circulated around; however, it is still very enjoyable.

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