Countdown to Coachella

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Lack of Creative Outlets

There has been a total lack of creative writing in the past, so I chose to create this in hopes to keep the creative blood flowing. My management communications class definately does not provide a 'creative' writing outlet.

This LOCO'ness (lack of creative outlets), as I would call it, has even drove me so far as to consider to reupdate my deviantart on occasion. However, this was lame, therefore I chose to create this as my outlet. Myspace (of which I wish the demise of . . .) was not going to be suitable solution, nor was facebook. Both of which have infestations of legions of creepy stalkers who could pass for Gollum; trolling around young girls leaving comments like 'U rrrr hottt!!!' all over.

So, this being the only ingenious band-aid for my LOCO'ness, I will try to update this from time to time, and use it as a creative outlet.

In recent news;
Social Expirments on were in my opinion a poor reflection of the pathetic sex driven state most of the world finds itself in. If you don't know what I am talking about you can read about it here (read the Sept. 8th entry). Quite honestly, it is a pathetic reflection of how many people destroy potentially wonderful relationships with spouse/children, all for cheap thrills. Is marriage only a date that worked out well enough to legally join two people?

At the other end of the spectrum you have singles that only look for the one night stand. While reading through a BB for investment banking analysts I came across a post for a person wondering how other analysts find time to make friends (IBD analysts work notoriously long hours e.g., 80-100hr work weeks, therefore free time is not a comodity to be wasted carelessly). The posters rarely considered the benefits of long-lasting meaningful relationships. Personally, I would rather have fewer, meaningful relationships; rather than many, shallow interactions. There is much more lasting satisfaction to be derived from these types of relationships that are based on real feelings, rather than temporary desire IMHO.

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