Countdown to Coachella

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Music News:

Our good friend Nick Bracegirdle is finally making another album. I havn't been so hot about his last single that he put out, but I am excited for a new album. Nick dumped Universal records (thank-goodness), and is now back w/ Modena. Maybe this means he will come over to the US, and tour a bit during the summer?

The album release is scheduled for "summer 2007", so that will mean that promo's get sent out (I'm guessing...) about May-ish. My dream would be that Chicane would do a live PA, around sunset time, to close Sunday Night at Coachella. Wow, that would be amazing. I hope that Nick will go back to the style of his older more baelericy ibiza-y stuff like that which was released on "Far from the Maddening Crowds" por favor ;) I still get goosebumps from the 2000 Palladium Set (LEGENDARY, if you need it msg me). What would be smart is if he did a North America Tour, so we could all pay him homage at a concernt ne?

Friday, February 23, 2007

What... is that I hear?

"When it rains it poors", so unbelievably true. All my midterms scheduled on Friday, and then procrastinated my ISYS till tomorrow. My teachers all seek my ultimate demise. Tnite is gunna be a late night/early morning

Christopher Lawrence is however in SLC? Hah! Occasionally Salt Lake does get a few good DJ's in town. Saw CL in Cali over the summer and he really pounded some hard trance tunes with the occasional epic track in his set. I am looking forward to a good time on Saturday (if I don't pass out after my test...) Wish my ear plugs would get here in time for this... det kommer att vara skit coolt!

It's at "in the venue", not so stoked about the venue... we'll see.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


This week--before I post my Japanese spiel--I wanted to dedicate this post to one of my favorite producers. Every song I have heard from this guy has been a very enjoyable listening experience. Most hip-hop these days is anything BUT 'moving music'. It's moving in a sense that, yes, it will probably get a club moving, but the content provided by the lyrics is anything but moving.

The man behind the name is せばじゅん (Jun Seba), and so he played around with his name to get Nujabes. He is from Tokyo, and is the most refressing producer I have heard this year. Although most of his stuff has been around for a while (i.e. pre-2005), I didn't really get into his music until I heard the Samurai Champloo OST's. He has a bit of a jazzy flavor to his music, and often lays his hip hop beats under some light piano, flute, acoustic guitar, and other various instruments. For his lyrics he seems to get some pretty good rappers, most of em' I've never heard of, but regardless they still are top-notch. The product of that is some of the best most enjoyable beats that I've ever heard.

Nujabes - F.I.L.O. (Feat. Shing02)
Nujabes - Luvsic pt. 3 (Feat. Shing02)
Shing02 is a talented Japanese rapper, that was in LA, went to Berkley, and started his rap projects there, has some good flow.
To buy: Moda Soul, Metamorphical Music



 ほかのれいに、ウズベキスタンのぎゃくさつがあります。ウズベキスタンのだいとうりょうが じんけんしんがいしゃで、イスラムけいしみんを拷問していることは世界中に知られています。二年前、ムライークレィグが、イギリスのウズベキスタン大使に このひみつをばくろしまた。ウズベキスタンは、じんけんほごのきじゅんに会っていなかったのに、米国は一おくドルのけいざいえんじょをおこないました。なぜでしょうか。?そこにぐんじきちを作りたかったからです。それは 人のくのうをむしする せいとうなりゆうでしょうか?

Friday, February 09, 2007

Loosing Feith

As if the pre-war intel couldn't get anymore ridiculous...

Let's review some of the key players:
Lewis "Scooter" Libby: former Chief of Staff to the VP, is in on-trial for cooking the intel on pre-war Iraqi nuclear threat.

Douglas Feith: this neoconservative was in charge of the "Office of Special Plans"--a right wing intelligence gathering agency--leading up to the war in 2003.

Ahmad Chalabi: the once hailed "George Washington of Iraq" by neo-cons, that was part of the three-man group that formed the Iraqi National Congress (INC), a group that was trying to get Saddam ousted.

Here is the main problem: The information channels that have long been established were circumvented because they didn't suite the desired taste. Here the US has several agents in the field, producing information that went against INC reports. Instead of relying heavily on CIA intelligence, we were second guessing them by establishing things like the Office of Special Plans.

What were they doing? They were authorizing 'back-channel' talks, and intelligence shopping with shady characters like Manucher Ghorbanifar (Iran-Contra scandal), and Ahmed Chalabi. Ahmed produced a lot of the info that was used to make the case against Saddam. Back in 2002, Robert Dreyfus from "The Nation" reported:

"Even as it prepares for war against Iraq, the Pentagon is already engaged on a second front: its war against the Central Intelligence Agency.," he wrote. "The Pentagon is bringing relentless pressure to bear on the agency to produce intelligence reports more supportive of war with Iraq. ... Morale inside the U.S. national-security apparatus is said to be low, with career staffers feeling intimidated and pressured to justify the push for war." Much of the pro-war faction's information came from INC, even though "most Iraq hands with long experience in dealing with that country's tumultuous politics consider the INC's intelligence-gathering abilities to be nearly nil. ... The Pentagon's critics are appalled that intelligence provided by the INC might shape U.S. decisions about going to war against Baghdad. At the CIA and at the State Department, Ahmed Chalabi, the INC's leader, is viewed as the ineffectual head of a self-inflated and corrupt organization skilled at lobbying and public relations, but not much else."

Now recently we have Douglas Feith under fire because today the information Feith presented to the Whitehouse--supposedly 'credible'--that showed a relationship between terrorists and Al Queda. This was shot down today by Mr. Gimble (Inspector General for DoD). He said that Feith's actions were sometimes "inappropriate" because they "did not clearly show the variance with the consensus of the intelligence community... [they] did not provide 'the most accurate analysis of intelligence' to senior decision-makers..."

It seems to me more and more that the intel that supposedly justifies us going into Iraq, becomes less and less credible as time goes on. Relying on biased information, and trying to bias the credible information is not grounds for war.

This really makes me sad.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007





Matthew Cerf & Shawn Mitiska Feat. Jaren - Light The Skies


Sunday, February 04, 2007


Well, in the next few days I thought I would post my essay I wrote in Japanese. I am quite proud of how it turned out. For all those Nihonzin: 間違ったら、ちょっと電子メールしを私に出してくださいませんか?

