This weekend was a pretty mellow mild mannered weekend, and even though it was I am still exhausted!!! Already looking forward to next weekend at Vanguard! Since I skipped out on EDC this year (I can't handle another hippie love fest) I am gunna hit up Vanguard. Next weekend at Vanguard we have C. Lawrence, Rank 1 (Piet) and Blake Jarrell. Lawrence was supposed to play back in May but I guess he had some back problems or something??? Regardless he got scheduled for next weekend.
I have yet to see Rank and Blake so I am pretty stoked. Over the past year I have really liked most of the stuff that Jarrell has produced, it has grown on me more and more. His remixes of the popular 'Louder', 'Chasing Cars', and Nalick's 'Breathe' are pretty solid productions. Will be a pleasant experience to hear them on the Funktion 1 system, which is just totally diamonds and gravy goodness. It makes me very feliz inside, haha! Not sure if there is going to be a guestlist for this event, but $20 isn't gonna be so bad I think. I'll find out if there is going to be a guest list, so email me if you're interested.
As far as the Sunday Feed goes, it's a little sparse and dry for those who aren't good company for finance gar-bage.
Dealbook - My new favorite blog of the week. Full of GREAT info about all the happenings of the M&A, IPO, IBD, etc... I love the place. Especially love all the great details about
In Between - Everyone knows the love I have had for Mr. van Dyk over the years. His old stuff is so mind-blowingly genius, that I would do little justice puring out my undying obsessive love for the cd's here. I will only say this: That the cd's will put you into total musical submission.
With the approach of the new artist album release (August 19th), he has started touring around (as usual) promoting the new album. I will regrettably miss him at Vanguard on July 20th, because I will be out of town. I am just excited because I am so tired of the mix album thing that has been going on for the last 2-3 years. Every artist making a mix (didn't care for PofD 2 at all blegh), and then selling it. COME ON! Sit in the studio and use the obvious creative talent you wowed us all with in the early 2000's. I swear, I would kill (yes, KILL) to go back to 2001 Innercity party and listen to Paul's set again live. As soon as Autumn comes on, that thing will melt your face (in a good way) hah!
Okay, that is enough of that. I had some other links, but will update this later in the week. And post some live sets that have come in. Got a really good Sasha set, that has been stock in my mp3 player for the whole week.