Countdown to Coachella

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Karma Police!

Been a while since I have written anything, so I thought to pound out a few thoughts I have been thinking about over the past couple weeks. As usual this is not a very ad hoc post, and is more a discombobulated hodge podge of news and random thoughts. This week is admittedly less serious than others...

I spotted this not too long ago, and it is hilarious! Perhaps it is just me and my twisted sense of humor, perhaps you are just too serious (it's possible...), but this has to be one of the best wikipedia categories ever: HERE

End of an Era: The whole concept of internet taxes is receiving more and more attention as of late. With the imminent death of internet radio (because of unfair and thoughtless taxes), the next in line to be strangled by taxes seems to be the internet as a whole. All though this will definitely have less of a strangling choke-hold than the i-radio taxes, it will still be a detriment to many of the websites we know and love. Wyoming Senator Michael Enzi is pushing for a bill to require taxes on all online purchases.

The Washington Post put the total lost state revenues from untaxed Internet sales in the neighborhood of $16 billion. A very considerable amount. I wonder what the money lost could have been put to use for?

Outsource Your Life: well I have blogged about crowdsourcing, outsourcing, and the likes, but this has to be the best yet. This takes the Mechanical Turk (if you don't know what that is, check it out!) to a whole new level. Good read!

Kobayashi Loses: Takeru Kobayashi, famous for being a tank when it comes to competitive eating, lost to Joey Chestnut, from CA. Kobayashi is nutz, he always blew the competition away when it came to eating hot dogs. However, Joey apparently finished 59 & 1/2 hot dogs in 12 minutes. Mind blowing.


金曜日にCitizen Copeのコンサートに行きました。Citizen CopeはFunkとかアコースティックギターとかちょっとラップのバンドです。House of Bluesで見に行きました。その場所はの踊り場は地さい!幸いにも、立て込まなかった、よかった。 出演は、楽しかったから、気持ちが落ち着きました。

一番好きな歌は、Radiohead - Karma Policeのかヴぁです。ワオ!

Video Feed:

Lastly, (it's a bit late I know) but, congratulations to Quinton Rampage Jackson for KO'ing Liddell in UFC71. Wish I could have seen it!

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