Walmart's drug plan is rolling along smoothly, as they are beginning to expand the $4.00 prescription re-fills to 14 new states. CVS and Walgreens have yet to match the prices, but Target has caved and realized that it has to compete. We'll see how long that lasts...
News is rather flat this week, as there has been a lack of time to thoughtfully write out something of worth. Running on little sleep has just been a challenge today, and I have been a bit cranky.
Yet, I still feel the need to sit and type out something creative, so without further adieu;
I have been obsessing over Daft Punk's robot helmets (as pictured above). I am yet to see a better helmet honestly. Stormtroopers, Cylons, Borgs, got nothing on these. My jealousy rages when I see how intensely amazing they are. There are few things that I wouldn't give to be able to have a helmet that cool. The whole concept blows my mind. I have looked all over the internet for intense robot helmets, but to no avail. My conclusion is that they simply don't exist. I would pay good money to get a helmet that cool. Like always props to Daft Punk for their creativity; it sells me. Robots rule.
Here's a quality tune that sported on In Search of Sunrise Vol. 5 (Tiest0rz), that really just rocks. This mix is NOT the original mix that was circulated around, so treasure it!!! NO reconstruction here either; the full mix with the beautiful vocals by the lovely Tiff Lacey. She nailed the vocals on this track, and coupled with the Hammer & Funabashi mix make for a great listening experience; one not to be missed. So happy I finally tracked this down!