Countdown to Coachella

Sunday, March 25, 2007

My Secret Crush

So, many of us have heard one of the great tracks of late 06' early 07' "Amnesia Brothers feat. Jennifer Rene - Louder ". Blake Jarrel did a killer remix of this track no? Anyhow, I loved the uniqueness of this girls voice, and it was a fresh new voice to the dance music scene. She got hooked up with Jose Amnesia by my friend Arturo B. (you're a good man!), and before she knew it she was doing her first track.

Blake Jarrel's remix really exploded the track on the scene and I was totally hooked on this girls voice after this. Her voice is so clear, and not overwhelming; the perfect accompaniment to some good dance tracks.

I thought to put some comments in a recent interview with Jennifer her in this post.

It seems that you are on the right path in regards to dance music right now. Where do you see yourself headed in this industry ?

Jennifer Rene: After many years of indecision and an attempt at college, I was still stuck wandering what it was I was meant to do with my life. A year ago, it literally slapped me in the face. Music. The dream of it all suddenly started to seem not so far fetched the more I practiced the reality of itself. I want to do it all. I want to continue singing my heart out. I’m almost ready to start the DJ part of it, and I want to be able to travel the world playing and singing music for people to give them the rush on the dancefloor we all so deeply reach for. I want to see my name in the top 20 on the DJMag 100 someday. Yes, I have my faith I will get there! One day I will turn to producing and remixing as well. It’s crazy all the ideas I have even now of songs I want to do a bootleg for or tracks to mashup or melodies and beats I get in my head and think “Man I wish I could throw this down in Logic now!” I really want to be a stand out female in this music genre as its so dominated by men. I want to get recognition for being a female artist. Where they say “Who’s the guy that’s spinning now? HOLY S*** its a female!” I also want to be able to take some of the dance music I do and push it towards a more commercial dance crowd. It’s just a matter of getting that right sound to the right hands for the right widespreading to the masses, and then their ears will open and they will follow. Dance music is on the rise and will prevail! Most importantly, I want all of this as my career and have dedicated my entire life to my love for it. I will be playing music into the night up until the point they scream “Get that grandma off the decks!”

Armin's recent ASOT recently featured several of Jennifer's new tracks, including my personal favorite "Jose Amnesia feat. Jennifer Rene - Wouldn't Change A Thing (Blake Jarrell 190dB Remix)". I love the prog/house just as much as the next person, but honestly I really have a soft spot in my heart for those vocalists that are often featured in the EDM scene. I will definitely be following this girls career as she continues to blossom. Best of luck to you Jennifer!

Armin van Buuren - A State of Trance Episode 293
Since it is now popular to bash on ASOT, I hope that none of you will be offended that I am featuring it here. If you listen to the set, it is really a very well done set, and is one of my favorite ASOT's this year. In the beginning several of Jennifer's tracks are played, and it a great start. ENJOY!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Today's post is somewhat of a discombobulated hodge podge of thoughts, that I kinda threw together last minute... If at any time you find it boring check this out. Sure to entertain.

Thank-goodness student elections are over. BYUSA says that they are " dedicated to serving the BYU student body and advising the BYU administration." Pft! They advise the BYU Admin, just as much as the Cave of Caves on the West Bank, the Hebron Museum!

Let's truthinize a bit...

What I find funny, is that neither party admits to the fact that the BYUSA does nothing of any real interest to most students. The lofty claims and over-promising perma-smiles eager to put the title "Prez" on their resume (not to mention a scholarship & stipend...) have received the decision and it's over. The accosting with fliers--which I quickly dumped in the trash--is over! I would honestly rather watch CNN re-runs of Osama videos with Krinkov waving Islamic Fundamentalists.

On a more serious note, I am glad to hear that congress is gearing up to start evaluating a withdraw from Iraq. Although I am definitely irked that it looks like it is mostly partisan vote, the House Appropriations Committee passed legislature that would send Iraq troops home by Sep. 2008. However, this doesn't mean that they are coming home, the bill still has a long way to go, before it would be final.

I have a couple thoughts on giving a definite time line for withdrawal. I am not so sure that enforcing a very definitive time line is a good thing. I personally would like to see some sort of way to start measuring progress through use of a provisional time line. By enforcing some sort of provisions and requirements that would have to be met before we would start withdrawing would be a far better solution.

It is obvious that America doesn't want an open-ended Iraq war. A time line is a good way to enforce this, but I think that making it too definite and not flexible enough for army commanders to work with is a bad decision. An even worse decision is to make no decision at all. While sounding a bit ideological, party loyalty is not an excuse for lagging to extend support to our troops.

Other Happenings this week:

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Nonsensical Midlake Madness!

Went and bought my ticket to go see Midlake tomorrow night. Looking forward to a good time, of nonsensical lyrics and talented musicians. Their last record "Trials of Van Occupanther" was introduced to me by a friend, and I have grown to like this a lot. They have a real fresh sound, and it is a great listen to put you in a mellow mood, and without exaggerating, I would say it is one of the best albums I've listened to in years.

All of the band members are in fact very talented musicians who all play an assortment of instruments, ad it all combines together for a very rolling mellow musical experience. It is the kind of music that you just don't have to take seriously to enjoy. It blows my mind when I turn on the radio stations and listen to the absolute crap that is enjoyed by so many. Club-rap, really can only be enjoyed at the club to be honest, and even then I would avoid it usually just because it spells hoodrats and trouble!

The weather is finally becoming tolerable here in UT, the depressing snow and cold is abating to some refreshing spring warmth. Gah, it is amazing the change in outlook and attitude as Spring approaches. There are some that argue that weather should not affect your moods, but for me, it is unavoidable. When the warm returns, I feel a ease, I guess it must have something to do with returning to my 'natural habitat'. Hah!

Nu vill jag skriva på svenska, för att jag har inte gjort det i länge! Det suger faktiskt att jag har inte så många svensk kompisar att snacka med, men 仕方がないね?Ibland så lyssnar jag till och det känts skönt att höra ren svenska igen. Men, i alla fall, idag har jag tänkt mycket på ilska och vrede. Det finns ingenting som är mer älskande och mild än människor, men på samma gång finns det ingenting som är mer grymt och elak än människor. "Livet liger på godhet och harmoni, inte med fasa och skräck, utan med kärlek, som blir ett band av gemensam bistånd."

Om man kan inte behärska sin vrede, gör det inget. Jag har sett många som använder sin vrede för att låta mäktigt och sånt, men om man kan inte resonera med sina känslor så han en idiot.
Det är som en soldat, om man kan kontrollera honom, så är han av mycket värd. Men, om han gör vadsomhelst han vill, så är han ingenting, till och med han kanske blir obehagligt ね?

Det är best om man bara slå sina börjande irritationer tillbaka, än att ge dem plats i sin hjärta. Så tro jag!


Midlake - Van Occupanther

The Hotel Lights - A.M. Slow Golden Hit

Two great tracks, I believe I have already given enough praise to Midlake, but 'The Hotel Lights', are also another great band that was formed in the radioactive fallout of Ben Folds 5. The tune also just has a great rolling melody with some retro sounds in it. I love the clap snare that is prevalant and carries the song throughout. Well composed pieces here! ENJOY!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Scoot em' off to Prison

We'll jury's in, and Libby is guilty. It would definitely take a stretch of the imagination, or some sort of 'step through the looking glass experience' to think otherwise. But it is unlikely that he is going to get roasted too bad in the slammer. I mean, if he still gets convicted after all the appeals I am betting the maximum sentence is going to be three years.

Big Whoop!

I mean, it's not like this guy robbed a 7-Eleven. He lied to a grand jury about his responsibilities and his job... and then claims his 'I forgot' bs. He and his wife should be very thankful for those three years, considering in all possibility it could have been 25 years. What will really cook me is if President Bush gives him a presidential pardon. However I doubt it will happen, because Bush is already roasted by the American public as is.

My favorite quote so far is: Wilson, whose wife left the CIA after she was exposed, said, "Convicting him of perjury was like convicting Al Capone of tax evasion or Alger Hiss of perjury. It doesn't mean they were not guilty of other crimes." Hah!


Daft Punk is rumored to be making a come back to North America!!! Although, I will admit the credibility of this is questionable, here is the tentative schedule that is floating around the net:

7/21 LA- Sports Arena
7/27 Berkeley- Greek Theatre
7/29 Seattle- Wamu Center

7/31 Denver- Red Rocks
8/3 Chicago- Lollapalooza

8/5 Toronto- Arrow Hall

8/7 Montreal- Bell Centre
8/9 NYC- Keyspan Park

I could think of worse places that they could have the performance, I mean I think that the LA Sports Arena will do okay, although the acoustics there are miserable in my honest opinion. I just hope a bunch of the candy-kids don't come to wave their mickey-mouse gloves at DP for this one. Still, I AM SO STOKED! People will be talking about their Coachella performance for the next 10 years. Mindblowingly good.

: Is going to be kicking off pretty soon, and I am happy to see that is sponsoring "A Night with Sander Van Doorn"! Cheers to TA. I wish I could hit up WMC, but being as my university has boycotted the wonderful idea of Spring Break, this is impossible to say the least. Plus I already blew a ton of money on Coachella tickets. Miami would be at least 1K in trans/tickets/food/hotel etc... Maybe in the future years! *dream*