Meanwhile... COACHELLA SET TIMES!!! Tiesto is closing on Sat! Fun!
Countdown to Coachella
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
One more final to go, and then I am DONE!
Meanwhile... COACHELLA SET TIMES!!! Tiesto is closing on Sat! Fun!

The drive tomorrow... not going to be fun!
Meanwhile... COACHELLA SET TIMES!!! Tiesto is closing on Sat! Fun!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Yr I Huvudet
Jag bara sitter och stirrar i skärmen hela dagen och nu har jag faktiskt lite yr i huvudet (så mycket att jag behövde lägga mig ett tag, det påminer mig om Lucille i Arrested Development!). Det är ju slutexamen och jag har ingen tid att gör nåt annat än att studera. Det suger! Men sådant är livet!
Japanska kursen håller på slaktar mig, särskilt min japansk samtal klass. Alltså jag tycker att kursen är väldigt bra, men än då när det gäller slutexamen så hatar jag alla mina kurser. Jag tycker det är ganska dumt att satsa så mycket på ett prov. I alla fall så hoppas jag att jag får bra betyg.
Jag har lite dåligt nyheter för er som tycker om Trance. Jag fick det här i brevlådan idag ifrån Ludwig Holm som står så här:
Jag fick en rip ifrån EnigmaT, och jag tyckted då som jag gör just nu, den låten är en av den bäst jag hörde i 2006. I alla fall, jag tycker att Ludwig är en bra producent och om han fortsätter med sina skapningar kommer han att påverka den ganska stillastående trance scenen. Lycka till!
Headstrong feat. Tiff Lacey - Symphony of Soul
A great follow up to the last track that was released by Headstrong, "The Truth", of which David West did a massive remix for. Tiff does a great job on the vocals, without making them cheese. I like her voice in the track, it's not overbearing. Good job!
I'll post the regular tomorrow, heard the new Ulrich Schnauss CD? It's awesome, I'll review it maybe tomorrow, it's the only thing keeping me sane through finals.
Japanska kursen håller på slaktar mig, särskilt min japansk samtal klass. Alltså jag tycker att kursen är väldigt bra, men än då när det gäller slutexamen så hatar jag alla mina kurser. Jag tycker det är ganska dumt att satsa så mycket på ett prov. I alla fall så hoppas jag att jag får bra betyg.
Jag har lite dåligt nyheter för er som tycker om Trance. Jag fick det här i brevlådan idag ifrån Ludwig Holm som står så här:
"Sebastians Remix på The Longset Journey kommer troligtvis inte släppas, tyvärr. The Longest Journey kommer släppas väldigt snart med en rad remixer, håll ögonen öppna!"
Jag fick en rip ifrån EnigmaT, och jag tyckted då som jag gör just nu, den låten är en av den bäst jag hörde i 2006. I alla fall, jag tycker att Ludwig är en bra producent och om han fortsätter med sina skapningar kommer han att påverka den ganska stillastående trance scenen. Lycka till!
A great follow up to the last track that was released by Headstrong, "The Truth", of which David West did a massive remix for. Tiff does a great job on the vocals, without making them cheese. I like her voice in the track, it's not overbearing. Good job!
I'll post the regular tomorrow, heard the new Ulrich Schnauss CD? It's awesome, I'll review it maybe tomorrow, it's the only thing keeping me sane through finals.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Cook Breakfast!
What are you eating for breakfast? If it's not a healthy serving of Sunlight, you best be doing something else like avoiding all those sugary cereals and eating Wheaties.
Casey Keyworth's (Breakfast) tracks are the new object of my trance affection. I think I featured the remix he did (w/ whats that other guys name, Mike? I know you from TA...) of Filo & Peri - Ordinary Moments, which was a MONSTER of a track... yet to get the attention it deserves.
Wow, I remember the first time it floored me, which hasn't happened because much of todays trance & prog house is not branching out and being creative. I admit that it is hard to not do rehashes of stuff that has already been done. That being said, Breakfast really brings it... His new track "The Sunlight", is really shedding light on the genre that has been stagnant for a bit. It was featured on Above & Beyond's radio show not too long ago, and now is getting stormed on ASOT with good response.
This track produces immediate smiles guaranteed. I believe the track is signed to Flashover.
As if I needed to add any more inane babble or introduction. Just download it and thank me later on TA!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Things are getting better!
Sunday Hodge Podge:
An eclectic group of articles that have caught my eye over the past few days. A real post later on this week. Gearing' up for finals so short on time currently.
Things are Getting Better - A great read from the journal New Republic, which is in my opinion a pretty liberal magazine in general, but nonetheless, a great read here. I think that because we often hear of violence so often we would think that it is increasing. I would just say, that there is still too much...
Atheist's Wager - Interesting, nothing real 'new' in the argument for or against a belief in God, but being as I don't use this as blog as a plug for my own or anyone else's religion, I will simply sum up my thoughts as this:
Without being prideful, I feel Atheism is in part a result from a flawed understanding of God. It is because the person (like many Christians even...) doesn't really understand what God is. It seems to me that many base their disbelief because they are told God has x,y,z, characteristics, but fail to see how these attributes are apparent and demonstrated in the world here. I would compare it to someone who received the wrong prescription for their glasses. More often than not, the wrong prescription is a result of pride, disappointment, OR more importantly false conflicting beliefs inside Christianity. However, in order to really understand and see things as they are and will be we need to have the correct framework to 'get' what is going on.
Calvin & Hobbes - Who doesn't love C&H? Here is a Q&A about em'.
An eclectic group of articles that have caught my eye over the past few days. A real post later on this week. Gearing' up for finals so short on time currently.
Things are Getting Better - A great read from the journal New Republic, which is in my opinion a pretty liberal magazine in general, but nonetheless, a great read here. I think that because we often hear of violence so often we would think that it is increasing. I would just say, that there is still too much...
Atheist's Wager - Interesting, nothing real 'new' in the argument for or against a belief in God, but being as I don't use this as blog as a plug for my own or anyone else's religion, I will simply sum up my thoughts as this:
Without being prideful, I feel Atheism is in part a result from a flawed understanding of God. It is because the person (like many Christians even...) doesn't really understand what God is. It seems to me that many base their disbelief because they are told God has x,y,z, characteristics, but fail to see how these attributes are apparent and demonstrated in the world here. I would compare it to someone who received the wrong prescription for their glasses. More often than not, the wrong prescription is a result of pride, disappointment, OR more importantly false conflicting beliefs inside Christianity. However, in order to really understand and see things as they are and will be we need to have the correct framework to 'get' what is going on.
Calvin & Hobbes - Who doesn't love C&H? Here is a Q&A about em'.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
I think, therefore I am.
For this weeks post, I decided to tickle the scholar in all of us, by sharing a very thought provoking article written for The American Scholar by Robert Lanza. Dr. Lanza has done EXTENSIVE work on "the cell of cells" aka stem cells, and is part of the reason that this science has not been tossed by government! Dr. Lanza showed that stem cells can be extracted without killing the embryo. Recently he got stem cells to grow into retinal cells, having hope for some forms of blindness. He is VP of the respected the research giant Advanced Cell Technology which has numerous accolades for the important work they do.
They are focused with theraputic stem cell research, not reproductive (cloning), so don't be turned off immediately by their work. That is one thing that has severely bothered me with criticisms of stem cell research. People are so worried that we are going to clone a human, and therefore become alienated to the idea of stem cell research without factoring in the INNUMERABLE solutions that this research can provide if given the proper funding and support. Anyhow...
His article is very provocative and engaging, and I found that it really gets one to think about 'what we know' in a very different light. I think though that he will be crucified by much of the scientific community, because what he offers is a very different than the solution of the common scientific community to the question of life and its origin.
To read the article : : click here : :
Some of the ideas which were most appealing to me included this statement:
" Most of these comprehensive theories are no more than stories that fail to take into account one crucial factor: we are creating them. It is the biological creature that makes observations, names what it observes, and creates stories. Science has not succeeded in confronting the element of existence that is at once most familiar and most mysterious—conscious experience. "
We can only understand reality in so much as we perceive it. Classic example of this is those that thought the world was flat disk. That was relative reality for them, and it was true in so much as they could observe it. Nowadays, we pride ourselves in how far we've come in our perception of how things are and will be, but we fail to see that this is only true as far as our ability allows us to perceive reality. We are so quick to discount things that we can't understand empirically, without realizing that perhaps we don't understand because we have not yet learned how to observe the phenomenon.
In all, the article is amazing, and Dr. Lanza has nailed most of my sentiments and feelings concerning 'modern science' by means of succinct thoughts in a very cogent paper. Hats off to him, for a very telling paper.
So, the song is in Italtian, and I have no idea what is being said, but I love the melody and 5$ to the person who spots what movie this is from. It's been sitting on my hard drive for a while, wanted to share. Good mellow evnin' drive tune.
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